Revised 27-May-2013


PLEASE NOTE - prices are in UK pounds. Dollar prices, where shown, are for guidance only - if you wish to pay in your own currency we will quote you a precise figure dependent on the current exchange rate. Payment by credit card normally gives a very fair rate of exchange without currency conversion costs. Also, prices exclude carriage, for which we will quote you depending on the destination. Carriage is at or under cost, with no additional charge for packing or insurance.

Descriptions - measurements are approximate; we endeavour to give as good an idea of condition as possible, but very minor flaws may not be mentioned.

Please feel free to request titles which you do not find listed - we do have stock which is as yet unlisted, and may be able to locate the book you need. Just e-mail us, and we'll search our stock.
Alternatively you may wish to ring us:-

or write to us at

Trinders’ Fine Tools

Malting Lane,


Nr. Sudbury

CO10 8NW


Currently we are seeking to purchase loose copies of Country Life Magazine prior to 1960, and bound volumes from any date (it was first published in 1897, and weekly since). We are, of course, happy to view and collect from anywhere in the UK mainland, and will also pay a commission for any introductions which result in a successful purchase. E-mail us, ring 01787 277130, or fax 01787 277677.

COUNTRY LIFE MAGAZINES We currently hold in stock several thousand issues of this important English magazine. Whilst there are notable articles on most aspects of country living, fashion, travel, collecting, country pursuits etc, it is pre-eminent in two aspects; its articles on country houses, and the extent and quality of its property advertisements. In its text, since 1897 to the present day, it has published scholarly articles, many in several parts, on country houses of the British Isles. Many of these houses no longer exist, or are not open to the general public. Being a weekly magazine, during a hundred plus years of publication it has managed to cover a very substantial number of houses, both major and minor. In addition its extensive property advertisements have always contained the finest collection of substantial houses and country estates. If you have any interest in any of these areas, do contact us as we may be able to supply you with the issue you require. One copy for 5 pounds, two copies for 4 pounds each, more than two copies at 3 pounds per copy, in each case plus normal postal charges.


B668) Hardyment, Christina. BEHIND THE SCENES Domestic Arrangements in Historic Houses (click for illustration). 1997. 10" x 9", 256 pages, 200 illustrations including 150 plates in colour. A fascinating history of housekeeping in its widest sense, through the well-preserved properties of Britain's National Trust. Gazetteer, bibliography. Hb in dw, near fine, remainder mark on lower edge. US$ 28.00 / 18.50 pounds sterling